
A documentary approach to the diversity of Central and South American tropical rainforests.

Neotropics is a biogeographic term that is often used to identify the tropical region that covers a large part of the American continent, some specialists define it as a biographical region and others as an eco-zone; the truth is that regardless of how the term is defined, this vast area concentrates a good part of the planet’s tropical forests, which in turn harbor an important portion of the biodiversity that science has been able to classify to date.

Naturalistic photography and documentary video are the most powerful tools to promote changes of vision with respect to the natural world.

Why Neotropica in Luxembourg?

Biodiversity is important because each species can give us a clue about the evolution of life. In addition, biodiversity helps science to understand how the vital process works and the role that each species has in the ecosystem, this statement implies the urgent need to bring this information to the greatest number of people; every effort that is made to massify this type of knowledge adds allies to the planet, it is about understanding that diversity is more than just animals that live in an ecosystem, we must try to understand diversity as the primary element that allows life.

In an ecosystem, each species cannot be considered separately, because they are all related to each other; some depend on others to survive, feed or reproduce. This is why the disappearance of a single species can lead to the extinction of many others and the consequent problems for ecosystems.

Biodiversity is important because each species can give us a clue to the evolution of life.

In the tropics, what we should really be concerned about is maintaining unscathed ecosystems, since they are what sustain life on the planet, this is the only way to preserve the biodiversity. For this reason we have decide to propose a photographic and audiovisual exhibition in Luxembourg.

The transparency, good administration and strong laws that characterized The Duchy undoubtedly favors the implementation of projects and ideas that promote environmental conservation, its recognized policy of  animal-friendly country provides an ideal framework to propose initiatives that promote a narrowing of the space between man and his natural environment.

A growing segment of the Luxembourg population is showing an important interest in planetary health.

A growing segment of the world’s populations, wich obviously does not escape the local and foreign people living in Luxembourg, shows an important interest in planetary health; the importance of preserving tropical forest is increasingly understood, since a good part of the world´s ecological balance depends on its conservation, that’s why any effort made to educate and transmit content of this nature is welcome among those who today understand better than ever that the planet is an interdependent island.  

The rainforests of South and Central America are home to more than 500 aboriginal peoples.

It is also important to mention that the tropical rainforest of South and Central America are home of more than 500 aboriginal tribes who preserve their cultural and traditional charactheristics to subsist in this environment, we are talking about more than 350 differents dialects or native lenguages belonging to 37 different languages families that are also part of the heritage of humanity and therefore, all of us who call ourselves citizens of the world have the duty to preserve this inmense heritage, since in doing so, we are contribuiting to the conservation of biological diversity, remembering that man is also part of this generic bank that enriches life on earth.

Specific objectives of the exhibition

  • 1.- To provide a narrative offer that from the image promotes an aesthetic approach to the natural and anthropological diversity of the neotropics .
  • 2.- To promote the analysis of the historical elements and current state of the American rainforests in order to awaken a genuine interest in the conservation of the environment and all its components.
  • 3.-To promote a conversation in which the authors of the images can exchange ideas and answer questions that arise from the staging of the exhibition.
  • 4.- To show the plans and projects of documentation and divulgation that are planned to be executed in the natural protected areas of BENELUX.

Layout of the exhibition

The photographic and audiovisual resource as a strategy for the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

Interactivity with the work

Deepening the story behind each image.

In the exhibition the visitor will have the option to interact with the work through a QR code that will take him/her to a landing page where he/she can go deeper into the history of each image, information about the species, distribution and habitat, biology and conservation, as well as share the information with friends and access a virtual store where he/she can purchase several of the products designed with each image.

Who are we?

Our mission is to promote scientific kwoledge through the art of photography and the power of the video.

We are a team specialized in developing wild life photography and audiovisual projects for different platforms, a documentary, educational and comercial vision.

Some images proposed for the exhibition

"There are always two people in each photograph: the photographer and the viewer."

- Ansel Adams -

Creative circuit:

  • Clemente Passariello – Videographer & Graphic designer.
  • Fabián Passariello – Photographer & Journalist.
  • Raul Zambrano – English translater.
  • Gustavo Morales – Musical & creative partner.
  • Jawel Ghribli – Partner & Legal advisor.
  • Daniel Cáceres – Creative advisor.
  • Diana Matos – Artistic advisor
  • Yndira Padrón – Artistic advisor
  • Steffanno Passariello – Creative advisor.
  • Antoine Lemaire – Birding Advisor.
  • Tom Manhen – Creative Advisor.
  • Vera bojhanovich – Creative Advisor.