“Luxembourg through our Lens”

A large scale documentary

 25 years of experience producing  audio-visual content precede «Luxembourg through our Lens», the latter project being a journey through the Grand Duchy via images.

  In 49 episodes divided into 7 seasons, we will create a coherently-spun document through which the viewer will be able to experience the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg from an artistic perspective, encompassing its urban fabric and natural wealth, as well as its people, multiculturalism, and everyday aspects of life.

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Each audio-visual capsule is designed to show in just two minutes a compressed summary of the touristic and cultural attractions , a disseminating project aimed at showing locals and foreigners an intimate vision that encourages interest in the benefits and cultural diversity of this western European country.

Each documentary capsule is accompanied by a written testimony, enriched with excellent images presented in easily accessible language that allows the viewer to immerse themselves in an unprecedented journey.

Although the project is derived from an artistically universal vision, the testimonies have a remarkably photographic orientation, since the purpose is to capture the attention of a public that increasingly identifies with the idea of recording their trips through images.

The intention is to suggest Luxembourg as the ideal destination for those who enjoy taking pictures with their phones or any other mobile device.

«Luxembourg through our Lens» is a project stemming from the initiative of visuals specialists, and the aim is to promote the idea of the Grand Duchy as a destination for lovers of photography, culture, architecture, Arts – and its people are also an essential part of the project’s contents.

Ultimately, once the project is finished, a referential guide will have been created that will provide the viewer with a journey through the visual and cultural richness of the country, an aesthetic approach that promotes the Grand Duchy – from an artistic point of view – as an ideal destination for tourism in Central Europe.

Boost your brand by investing in a product made with the highest standards of video marketing.

Technical description of the content:

  • Video format: 4K – [16: 9].
  • Video duration: 2 minutes.
  • Written report: Between 750 and 1000 words.
  • Photographs in report: Between 10 and 12 photographs.
  • Post for social networks: 2 for each report.

Each piece of content is translated into 3 languages - French, English and Spanish

What are the benefits of investing in this audiovisual project for your company?

  • 1) Connection between user and brand:
  • brands also sell because of the stories they tell and not only because of the attributes of their products or services.
  • 2) Excellent branding tool:
  • identification of the brand or company with a set of attributes associated with corporate social responsibility.
  • 3) Increase in the conversion ratio:
  • it is known that video influences the user’s purchase decision and even more so when it is associated with values that represent collective interests.
  • 4) Contribution to the SEO:
  • there is a set of keywords that contribute decisively and organically to gain visibility in search engines.
  • 5) Outreach action:
  • 90% of Internet users prefer to consume information through video.

Our plan

One-time sale of the transmission rights of the project.

The client acquires the full broadcasting rights of the campaign and uses its own means of dissemination to reach its audience.

LUXEMBOURG through OUR lens is another | CleMpasS.cOm | production | Creative Lab | © Copyrigth. All rights reserved.

Le Luxembourg au travers de notre objectif by Clemente Passariello is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.